"Naath to Unite & Ignite,rebuilding stronger community together"
We captures the idea of bringing Naath rogether and sparking positive change.We encourage participants to collaborate and engage in meaningful discussions. to be hosted byNAATH KƐƐ NHIAM (NKN)
so stay tuned for something amazing! Come and meets our motivational speaker, spiritual & thoughts leader uncle/elder:GatMajiek.Confirm Speakers
They will be covering from Leadership,Economic Development, Reaseach, Governance & Religious Studies.
More DetailBest Leadership Ideas
Visionary Leadership discuss the importance of leaders having a clear vision and ability to inspire other to work collectively towards achieving NKN common goals.
More DetailNKN Networking People
Building Trust and Transparency: NKN focus on the significance of transparent communication and trust-building in fostering a colleborative and positive work culture.
More DetailInspiring Keynotes
We are inviting you to meet our thoughts & Motivational speaker,Elder GatMajiek,& historian Elder Bol Bol & Prof. Deng Chioh (Nyarialgany) Naath culture and heritage.
More DetailSpeakers Who Are Exparts
in Their Fields
Dr.Gatluak Thach
Leadership Development & Succession PlanningDr.William Pay
Grassroot-Growth StrategiesDr.Gatbel N.Chanjock
HealthPastor. Gatkouth C.Majoik
Overcoming ChallengesDr.Goi J.Yul
AccountabilityUstaz. Yien L.Lam
South Sudan History & Empowering CommunitiesSubscribe to be notified